IADT Portfolio Micro-site

The brief was to design a fully responsive and functional micro-site to cater to all platforms for IADT (Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology). The target audience for this site was for students who were looking to apply for courses in IADT that required a portfolio.

The user problem was confusion in regard to what had to be submitted, dates to apply, advice on what would be suitable to add to a portfolio, and the list goes on. My solution was the problem itself, start with the problem and figure it out using a clear and concise step by step guide.


Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology

Project Scope:
UX UI, Coding (HTML & CSS), Visual Design and Branding


What is a portfolio?

My first page communicates the problem that most students go through when trying to apply for college, absolute frustration and panic! The solution unfolded as you went through the website. I wanted to create a site that was fun and engaging to help students make the process a lot easier. The design is a step by step guide.


“a vibrant atmosphere with a focus on research, creativity, technology and production...”


Some IADT courses ask prospective students to submit a portfolio, which should demonstrate enthusiasm for the course as well as your interests and strengths.

The guidelines designed in the micro-site are there to help structure a portfolio; they are designed to help ensure it becomes the perfect showcase of work.

A portfolio is all about interests, enthusiasms, creativity, curiosity, inventiveness and ideas.

Step by step…


Web & VR / T&C*


Packaging / The Humble Oyster